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Innovations and Ideas

Develop & Advance Ideas and Innovations

The effects of Hygienic Wood have numerous applications. We are always on the lookout for cooperative partners who would be interested in the further development and advancement of this innovative product.

“The potential of Hygienic Wood is enormous”, says Heinrich Wilms the business owner and discoverer of Hygienic Wood and its affiliated products. “Our goal is to naturally improve people’s and animals’ living conditions and the environment through the use of a wide variety of Hygienic Wood products.”


The first paper with natural sealing.

It is well known and has been scientifically confirmed several times that wood, and in particular pine and arolla pine, has a positive effect on health and well being.

And now, scientists have found out that fragrances are able to control alertness, dullness and delight and thus performance (Six ways to shrewdness). Wood in the environment can therefore have concentration supporting effects.

The paper is still being tested by children. We will be happy to send you more documentation, if you want more information on this topic.

Wilms Forest Shower – the first shower with pine heartwood chips

Good for skin, health and wellbeing - by simply running through a chip bag inside the forest shower, the water absorbs the precious ingredients of the wood and thus cares for skin and health in a unique way.

The chip bags can be easily replaced and moreover have a positive side-effect: the germ-reducing properties of the wood chips prevent the shower head from germ contamination.

According to Prof. Harald Morr, the shower head is a popular place for causative organisms, which can have a bad impact on lung diseases. Read more:

“The shower head as center of germs”, NOZ, 04.09.2010

Info Sheet Forest Shower

Hygienic Wood Prevents Mold

We are currently working on the development of new, effective ways to combat mold inside homes. Hygienic Wood fights mold in two ways. Firstly through the fungus inhibiting characteristics of the wood, and secondly through the wood’s moisture-equalizing properties.

One possible use of Hygienic Wood in the home is for vertical window blinds. The thin mats are simply hung in place of conventional plastic blinds.

There is also an air filter currently being designed which would use the characteristics of Hygienic Wood to increase air quality indoors. It can be used in air-conditioning units in buildings and also in different modes of transportation.

Info page – Vertical Blinds

Healthier Animals

We have also developed a Hygienic Wood mat to be used as a walking pad under chickens’ feet. This mat increases the overall health of the birds through germ-reduction. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the chickens.

Summary Quail breeding

Pine Heartwood – An Extract for Healthy Living

The possibilities of the pine heartwood liquid extract are endless. It is especially good for the skin care of children. As an itch-reliever and naturally antibacterial agent, it is perfect for use in diapers - keeping a baby’s sensitive skin free of germs.

It is also great to spray on fruits and vegetables. The natural contents of the extract delay rotting -- naturally extending the life of the food.

Both the liquid extract and the Hygienic Wood itself can be used in all settings where the reduction of the following is desired:

  • Fungi
  • Germs
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses

Hygienic Wood improves the environment for people, animals and plants alike!

Germ-free Environment

Germs are transferred between people constantly. But there are certain places where people are at a particularly high risk. These places, such as hospitals, are exactly where Hygienic Wood needed most. The germ-reducing qualities of the wood make it by far the safest choice of material.

We have already developed door knobs, shopping cart handles, a coin bowl and an entire hospital room, all which have greatly reduced the germ and bacteria transfer between people.

Study summary - Shopping Cart

Study summary – Hospital Furnishings

Hygienic Wood in the Food Industry

Hygienic Wood, due to its antibacterial properties, is now approved for use in the food industry – DIN excerpt.

In a large-scale trial with 500 pallets in 14 food establishments over six months, the level of pathogens on the pallets was compared. Results: Wilms Hygienic Wood showed the same exceptional reduction of germs in comparison to all plastic/plastic-coated materials as was found in the experimental conditions.

Study Summary - Hygienic Wood Pallets

Please contact us for study results and further detail. We are also always happy to hear encouragement and ideas regarding Hygienic Wood.

If you are interested in cooperating toward the advancement of our products, please contact us. We strive to make the natural strength of Hygienic Wood universally applicable.

Please contact:

HygieneHolz Team
Phone: +49 5427 / 9225 - 0
Fax: +49 5427 / 9225 - 143

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