Wilms at the MENOPE 2011
During the days of the 5th till the 7th of December Wilms presented their natural cosmetic products named PineGold for the second time at the
MENOPE 2011 . Hundreds of visitors from more than 25 different regions came to see
the developments and changes within the market for organic and natural products.
For us the exhibition provided many interesting contacts and a high potential to extend the distribution our PineGold products abroad.
The exhibition was opened at 10.00am on the 5th of December by H.E. Dr. Salem Abdul Rahman Al Darmaki, acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health,
UAE and closed after three interesting days on the 7th of December at 5.30pm.
On this way we would like to thank all visitors for their interest in our natural healthcare products and wish to all a save and pleasant travel home.